Brad Chen

Brad Chen

Brad Chen

Brad Chen has a background in semiconductor engineering and a strong interest in technology and diving. In 2010, he combined these two elements and ventured into the diving industry. He has been continuously committed to research and development of diving computers and has developed the first color wireless connected diving computer in the market, which has received widespread recognition and praise. Currently, Brad is the founder of CREST, dedicated to providing divers with a safer, more convenient, and more enjoyable diving experience through technology and innovation.



Underwater Photographer

I am Ke-Chien, an adventurer of life and diving, devoted to carving out the splendid moments of this world. My photography captures the vast expanse of land, sky, and sea. Each shutter click is transformed into art, each moment into inspiration, stirring others to cherish and explore their own worlds. I believe in discovering and preserving the beauty that this world has to offer; that is the philosophy of my life.

Chang, Ching-Sen

Chang, Ching-Sen

Associate Technical Specialist

Graduated from the Institute of Oceanography, conducting research in ocean acoustics in graduate school. Currently working at the Ocean Conservation Administration, responsible for the tasks of marine debris cleanup and management.

Chia-Ying, Lu

Chia-Ying, Lu

Secretary-General of Taiwan Disability Scuba Diving Association

In this speech, we will explore how adaptive diving can open the wondrous world of the ocean to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. We will share real-life examples and innovative strategies that demonstrate how to overcome both physical and psychological barriers, enabling everyone to safely and confidently enjoy the joy of diving. By promoting accessible diving, we not only allow more people to get closer to the ocean but also enhance awareness of marine conservation, contributing together to protect our shared blue planet.

Chris Pic

Chris Pic


Chris Pic is a former representative athlete for the United States in cycling at the Olympics and currently serves as the Global CSO of SHERWOOD.

CoCo Chen

CoCo Chen

Freediving Instructor/Underwater Photographer

Hsun Chang

Hsun Chang

AIDA Instructor Trainer

Hello everyone, I am Hsun Chang, an AIDA instructor Trainer. I like to share the knowledge about freediving with everyone, and I have my own channel on YOUTUBE. I hope you guys find it more enjoyable throughout my sharing and just keep on practicing for a little bit more if you're struggling at the moment. Never give up!

Jimmy Cheng

Jimmy Cheng

Director of Jimmy Cheng Underwater Photography Studio

Jimmy Cheng is a photography artist deeply passionate about the underwater world, capturing the beauty and mystery of the ocean through the lens of his camera. With years of experience in underwater photography, Jimmy Cheng has garnered numerous awards in various competitions, including the 2023 OM SYSTEM National Photography Contest Gold Award. His photography is not only a portrayal of the underwater world but also an expression of life and the forces of nature. Each frame represents his profound emotional connection to this oceanic realm.

Joe Chang

Joe Chang

AOI Exclusive Underwater Photographer

In Taiwan's Green Island, I have been conducting long-term research on sea slugs, including species identification, behavior, and their habitat. This has earned recognition in the International Marine Geography Competition. Ocean Geographic Honourable Mention Marine Pixels Honourable Mention Taiwan Olympus OMsystem Contracted Underwater Photographer Crest Brand ambassador Marine Soft Animal Identification Collaboration – Sea Slug Guest of TV program “30 Meters Underwater”

Joseph Tham

Joseph Tham

Underwater Photographer

Intrigued by the exquisite and minute details of Mother Nature, Joseph Tham decided to take his passion for photography underwater. He loves to immerse himself in the experience and wonders of a new encounter before reaching for his camera. A multi award winning photographer at a few competitions in Singapore and Indonesia, Joseph endeavours to capture more of the scintillating colours, hypnotic textures and the mysterious spirit of the underwater realm.

Kai Kai

Kai Kai

Mermaid Performer/MFI Mermaid Instructor/Freediver/Model

"Take action on your dreams, and don't let yourself regret it." Kai Kai, the intrepid adventurer, has always dared to challenge her fears in life. From once fearing the water to gracefully swimming in the sea, and from battling social anxiety to confidently standing on stage, Kai Kai always smiles and says, "How will you know the outcome if you never try?" As one of the pioneering mermaid performer at Taiwan's FarGlory Ocean Park, the first Taiwanese performer to have a long-term engagement in Singapore, and one of the first from Taiwan to perform long-term in the Maldives, Kai Kai has blazed trails as both , model,MFI instructor.

Kiruu Kanai

Kiruu Kanai

Digital Marketing Representative, Palau Visitors Authority

Mrs. Kanai is a young Palauan Digital Marketing Representative for Palau Visitors Authority. She is also a business owner in her own respect servicing marketing needs for everyday clients in the community, while selling her art in the form of apparel and merchandise online. Kiruu currently creates content and manages social media accounts for Palau Visitors Authority-Palau Branch.

Kuo,Hsiang Hsia

Kuo,Hsiang Hsia

CEO of Taiwan Loo-Koo Yu Association

I worked in Taiwan Cetacean Society for nearly 20 years, responsible for the stranding and rescue of cetaceans, and was honored by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2020 as a "Meritorious Individual in Forestry and Nature Conservation".

Lee Shih Ming

Lee Shih Ming

CEO of Under Sea Player Center, Inc.

Under Sea Player Center, Inc. is a professional underwater photography project combining marine ecology 8K, 4K, VR360 panorama, 3D, HD high-definition quality, underwater professional photography equipment GATES agent, marine ecological education promotion center, diving training training center, diving tourism... It is a place where you can experience the touch of life and a place where you can realize your dreams. We invite you to share the underwater world we love.



Ocean Conservation Officer

Graduated from the Institute of Ecology, specializing in urban avian research, but post-graduation ecological survey work has mostly been conducted in wetlands, intertidal zones, or at sea. Also engaged in underwater activities such as reef check and participating in ocean cleanup events. Currently, I have been a ocean conservation officer more than 3 years.

Mulas Ismahasm

Mulas Ismahasm

Officer of Ocean Conservation Administration

I am an indigenous member of the Bunun tribe and have a passion for mountain climbing and ocean activities. Previously, I worked at the Agricultural Development Agency, then three years ago, I transitioned to the Ocean Conservation Administration. Currently, I am primarily involved in executing conservation projects for important species and reporting sightings.

Peggy Chiang

Peggy Chiang

Professional Underwater Photographer

Ray Chin

Ray Chin

Board of Directors of Kuroshio Ocean Education Foundation / Freelance Photographer

Ruby Jing

Ruby Jing

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我是井,⽬目前居住在恆春,職業是攝影師,同時也是MFI的美⼈人⿂魚教 練,我的⽔水下攝影經驗是由⽔水模先開始的,為了了想創造更更貼近⼼心中 的畫⾯面,於是開始拿起相機,因此我想⽤用我拍的照片,淺談在那⽔水 攝的那些當下,以攝影師與⽔水模的視⾓角,個別分享經驗。



Co-founder of BlueTrend

Founder of BlueTrend, using visual photography to document issues occurring in the ocean, in recent years, has been promoting citizen science initiatives in the marine realm, attempting to address oceanic issues through social innovation.





Takuya Torii

Takuya Torii

Mr./Corporate Messenger Boy of INON INC.

Takuya is a corporate messenger boy of INON INC., manufacture of underwater imaging gears. During his 20 years’ carrier with the company, he has been driven to develop and serve global market by interacting with enthusiastic people seeking their underwater photographic equipment to showcase beauty of the ocean. He often shows up different dive shows to meet enthusiastic people fascinated in the ocean, diving and underwater imaging, to get inspired himself as one of those people, and to deliver corporate message as well as collecting market needs. This time, he introduces latest compact strobe, unique GoPro system including compactible wet lenses as well as easy and useful accessories for popular TG series. Let’s join to update your “grocery list” during DRT Show Hong Kong.

Tim Lee

Tim Lee

Producer / Underwater Videographer

Tim Lee, the program producer who awarded by Golden Bell Awards with “30 Meters Underwater” and ”Aqua Challenge”. He spent more than 600 tanks to film “Shipwrecks Taiwan”, a documentary that highlights Taiwan's rich marine ecology by focusing on the underwater conditions of sunken ships around Taiwan.

Violet Ting

Violet Ting

Professional Underwater Photographer

Xinya Lai

Xinya Lai

Mermaid Instructor/Underwater Model

Zero Lee

Zero Lee

SDI Instructor Trainer Evaluation

ZERO has been diving since she was 10 years old, and has more than 17 years of diving and teaching experience. Her teaching style is enthusiastic and funny, never compromising the course's safety or quality. Currently working in the TDI/SDI system, she is Asia's youngest Instructor Trainer Evaluation officer. ZERO has more than 18 years of experience in leading diving tours. Her diving tours have taken her to the world's most famous diving sites: the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Palau, Fiji, Mexico, Galapagos, and other countries. She has considerable experience in the waters around these dive sites. Many of her diving methods and itinerary planning will allow her students and guests to enjoy their trips.