DRT SHOW 菲律賓 2024:潛入未來 • 引領潛水新紀元



我們懷著無比激動的心情宣佈,2024菲律賓國際潛水暨度假觀光展(DRT SHOW Philippines 2024)將於2024年9月6日至8日在馬尼拉SMX會議中心盛大開幕。這不僅是年度最受矚目的潛水盛會,更是我們舉辦的第53場國際級潛水展,標誌著DRT SHOW作為全球舉辦最多潛水展的專業主辦方的又一里程碑。本屆展會將彙聚超過100家參展商,代表超過200個世界級品牌,為您呈現潛水創新和探險的巔峰之作。從尖端潛水裝備到豪華船宿體驗,從異國度假勝地到創新的潛水培訓系統,DRT SHOW為您打造了一個涵蓋潛水全產業鏈的多元化生態系統。

本屆展會的規模和內容將超越以往。豐富多彩的現場活動、彙聚業界精英的高端論壇、激動人心的產品發佈會,以及獨具特色的互動體驗區,都將為您帶來前所未有的潛水盛宴。每一個環節都精心策劃,旨在為參展商創造最大的商業價值,為觀眾帶來最震撼的視覺衝擊和知識盛宴。在此,我們要向一路相伴的各界朋友表達最誠摯的感謝。正是您們的鼎力支持與不懈鼓勵,讓DRT SHOW在過去的52場展會中不斷成長、蛻變,最終成長為今天這個享譽全球的頂級潛水展。

無論您是尋求拓展業務的資深行業專業人士,還是渴望探索新深度的潛水愛好者,DRT SHOW 菲律賓 2024都將是您不容錯過的年度盛事。讓我們攜手共進,在這場潛水界的革命性盛會中,共同探索水下世界的無限可能,書寫潛水產業的璀璨未來!準備好迎接這場潛水界的視聽盛宴了嗎?DRT SHOW 菲律賓 2024,期待與您相見!




DRT SHOW 菲律賓 2024將為您呈現一系列令人印象深刻的演講,彙聚了行業專家、海洋生物學家和水下攝影師,他們將分享自己的知識和經驗。我們的講座系列將涵蓋廣泛的主題,包括:

  • 海洋保育

  • 潛水裝備

  • 水下攝影

  • 水肺潛水

  • 潛水目的地

  • 自由潛水




Friday 6 of September


Time Speaker Topic
15:30-16:00 Ma. Nikka Andrea Oquias & Danny Ocamp (Oceana) Marine Conservation Seminar
Discovering Panaon Island: A Biodiversity Treasure of Southern Leyte and Karagatan Patrol and the Importance of Tracking Fishing Vessels to Protect Marine Resources
16:20-16:50 Rafael Manrique (IMR) Marine Conservation Seminar
Using Technology to Make Marine Conservation More Exact and Accessible
17:00-17:30 Patricia Yap (Q-quatics) Marine Conservation Seminar
Q-quatics Isda Way: Diving into Data-Driven Marine Conservation

Saturday 7 of September


Time Speaker Topic
13:50-14:20 Anna Oposa (Garmin) Dive Equipment Seminar
From Waste to Watch: Sustainability Features of the Descent G1 Solar Ocean Edition
14:30-15:00 Jerome Kim Underwater Photography Seminar
Special Critters of Romblon
15:10-15:40 Takuya Torii (Diver's Point) Underwater Photography Seminar
Explore Macro World with GoPro
15:50-16:20 Gordos Mateo R. Gojunco (Aquaventure) Dive Equipment Seminar
Mares Horizon SCr "Advanced Technology for Recreational Diving"
16:30-17:00 Marichu Macrohon-Regino (NAUI) Scuba Diving Seminar
The Women of NAUI: Diving into Leadership and Legacy
17:10-17:40 A.G. Saño Marine Conservation Seminar
Art and Marine Conservation
17:50-18:20 Scott Gutsy Tuason (Squires Sports) Dive Destination Seminar
Macro Magic, Diving The Big Three: Anilao, Lembeh and Tulamben
18:30-19:00 Lucky Draw

Sunday 8 of September


Time Speaker Topic
13:20-13:50 Sef Alba Carandang (PRRCFI) Marine Conservation Seminar
Danjugan Island: A Story of Resilience
14:00-14:30 Darren Heppner & Gordos Mateo R. Gojunco (Aquaventure) Dive Equipment Seminar
OCEAN Reef Integrated Dive Mask
14:40-15:10 Ram Yoro Dive Destination Seminar
Otherworldly Encounters Through Bonfire Diving
15:20-15:50 Matt Reed (TDI SDI) Marine Conservation Seminar
Diving with the Thresher Sharks of Malapascua in a Sustainable Way
16:00-16:30 Anne Gumiran (Insta360) Dive Equipment Seminar
Diving Content Creation with Insta360 Action Cameras
16:40-17:10 Jayson Edward Ramirez (Freedive Tribe PH) Freediving Seminar
Evolution of Freediving Competition in the Philippines
17:20-18:00 Ocean Stars UW Photo Gallery - Award Ceremony / Lucky Draw





讓我們一起,在DRT SHOW 菲律賓 2024中,開啟一段難忘的水下探險之旅!期待在馬尼拉與您相見!


SMX Convention Center Manila F5 Hall


